Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Life in MMU

When I first applied to University Multimedia, my mind quickly jumped ahead to how my future was going to play out.It has already passed more than 2 months since I entered this university. University life has changed me and improve me a lots. I'm not regretted for coming to this university because I have learned many other meaningful things beside than studying. In fact, taking those activities other than study let me learn more interesting experiences.
I think that my university life will be fruitful and I will try to make it meaningful too. University life sure will be very challenging and humbling for me. I have a sibling before me graduate with full scholarship in Law Studies, I have always put a lots of pressure on myself to excel like what he did. But after this few months in this university let me realiaze that I just have to mark my own part and trying my best without comparing with others.I found that if compare with my secondary school where all is order and supervision, in university much better. In university, it's free and you don't have a direct supervision. Therefore, we can have more space to explore our thinking or talents without any guide lines.
I have joined many extracurricular activities in campus such as badminton club, japanese language club, st.john's club ,etc. In all this activities let me learned about the leadership skills, management skills, task delegation,the co-operation among the members,etc.It's very useful for me because through all these experiences, I will be prepared to be an active leader in my future career and community.
When the first day I walked into this strange university,I'm asking myself:"am I be able to encounter new friends? "Surprisingly,in a split second, a group of friendly individuals came up to me with warmth greetings. They really equip me with feelings of welcomes and warmth.The passion that my fellow classmates have in what they study has pushed me to be passionate about what i study. I really very appreciated what they done for me.
I think being a university student is a unique time in my life.If there is a lesson that I learned, it's that being a student prepares me for life, and that's definitely not an easy task. But I will try my best to present the best in all the part i involved.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dearest Jyi Chyi,

    Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. I am happy to know that you have a clear goal ahead of you and are slowly progressing towards that goal :)

    This piece of writing is very clear and vivid with many fine examples and good vocab :)

    Although there are some very minor errors, it is ok :) Keep trying hard to improve ya :) the errors are found in the use of tenses but no prob as we will be revising all the tenses in class again after the presentation week :)

    Nonetheless,in our essays, must include a thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. It should be the topic+ the 3 main ideas and for this essay, it should be:

    University life has made me a better person because of the freedom that I enjoy, the activities that I join and also the friends that I have made :)

    Then, the direction of the essay will be really clear :)

    Continue writing and have fun :)

